Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Family BBQ

Today is traditionally the 15th and last day of Chinese New Year celebrations. And it's my family tradition to have a final get together for dinner tonight as well..... actually just any excuse for a feast. That's why many of us in the family have got lots to show for it...heh heh.
Well, quite a bit of preparation went into it. My mom ordered the BBQ food from a place called BBQ Wholesaler in Geylang yesterday and I went with her today to pick up the food and bring it to my parents' house this afternoon. I also picked up a table from my place and 2 foldable tables I borrowed from church.
There was lots and lots of food, as usual. Started with the final and final (thankfully) "Lou Hei" for this Chinese New Year. I think I must have had about 10 of them this year. You can only take so much. We had otah, chicken wings, hot dogs, stingray, sotong, corn, satay, fried rice, mee siam, fishballs, chicken nuggets, beef steak, and the guests brought some tim sum as well. Not to forget the fruit for dessert. There were less than 20 of us, so there was just too much food.
Burp.... excuse me.

Now the diet starts.

Today I finally finished printing the last 10 DVDs of the church marriage covenant renewal ceremony and dinner. I made 54, 1 for each couple who went through it. Quite touching, some of them married for 40-50 years.
This was the first time I was using my dad's Canon 9950i printer for printing DVDs. Pretty cool. For the rest of the 44 DVDs, I used stickers printed with the office colour laser printer. Not too bad, but I'm worried about the stability of the sticker in DVD players though. Hopefully they don't come off or cause the disc to wobble.
Delivered the DVDs to Evelyn in church this afternoon, so the couples will get them this weekend. Finally job done.

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