Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tribute to Uncle Sank

This morning I found out that my co-labourer at SCCC who just retired last year after more than 38 years of service has gone home to the Father. Nedunghat Sankaran, or Uncle Sank as we affectionately call him, and his wife Aunty Sally were the first staff when SCCC was started way back in 1969. I had the brief opportunity to co-labour with and to learn from them when they were transferred to my ministry with Creative Communications last year for a short time where they were involved in internet ministry. Uncle Sank's legacy lives on through his website at

What really impressed me about Uncle Sank was his love of the Lord and his tenacity in ministry. Even while suffering from spinal problems which prevented him from sitting down for too long, he continued to update the website and reply to the people who wrote through the website. He hooked up his computer to a large screen LCD TV with a wireless mouse and keyboard so that he could continue to stand and reply to emails.

What an irony that for a person who was in his golden years, he used the means and technology of the younger generation to continue to reach out to them. No longer able to travel to meet and disciple people like he used to when he was working on the university campus, he still sought out ways to continue to reach out to people who are asking questions about life. What an inspiration to me, even as I am no longer a youth and moving on to middle age. How can my ministry change as I grow older? Here was a great example.

Thank you Uncle Sank for your legacy, and Aunty Sally, I will definitely continue to pray for you as you go through this difficult time of loss.

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