Sunday, September 28, 2008

Running headlong into 40

Here it is... it's official. Today, Sept 28, 2008, I turn 40. I've been wondering what to make of this milestone in life.... the mid-life.... will there be a crisis coming? I've been thinking about it this past week or so.

Crazy week
Am I trying to prove that coming to 40, I'm still able to go all out with a crazy schedule? This past week is as crazy as they get. List of things I did
1. 4 day recording session for the song Thousand Faces from Sunday to Thursday morning, including one overnight session.
2. Spent 30+ plus hours in one go, even sleeping in the office
3. Playing piano for Worship for work on Tuesday morning, including rehearsal on Monday afternoon.
4. Helping to colour correct and master the sound for a couple of short films
5. Authoring a DVD for a customer
6. Helping colleague design DVD menus for our own DVD
7. Rehearsal on Monday night and Saturday afternoon for church choir performance on Sunday morning
8. Rehearsal on Saturday morning for church worship service on Sunday
9. Rehearsal on Saturday night for Soul2Soul band performance on Sunday afternoon.
10. Doing sound for choir and worship for 2 services on Sunday morning
11. Doing sound for Soul2Soul band on Sunday afternoon
12. Shoot staff video interview on Thursday afternoon
13. Recce venue on Friday for Soul2Soul performance on Sunday
14. Lead vision dinner team meeting on Wed afternoon

I'm getting tired just looking at the list.... hopefully next week will be much better.

Weddings and funerals
It seems that I've been attending a disproportionate number of weddings and funerals these past few months. It's great attending weddings, and they are usually well planned ahead.... but the funerals get to me. Thank God there weren't any who were directly related or personal friends. Mostly close relatives of colleagues, church mates, business contacts. There's a period in life were we tend to have a bunch of weddings of friends of our own age. That period is mostly over for me. However, now that I work with younger people, I am going through another round of weddings. However, my peers are now at that age where their parents or even older siblings are passing on. It's really an emotional roller coaster sometimes, and makes me think about my own life journey.

So what lies ahead after 40? I don't know. I don't even know what I'm going to do next year after my time with SCCC is done. That's life.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Harry. Glad to know you have a blog now. This will be a good way to keep up to date on what mischief you're up to at SCCC.

Anonymous said...

Woah! Looking at your TO DO list is really tiring. hahaha! JIA YOU KOR KOR HARRY! HAHAHA!