Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Strange experience

Today I went to the Mandai Crematorium for the first time. It's such a surreal place. Almost reminds me of an airport except where you're sending people off to is forever. In Singapore's efficient manner, everything is laid out in such a way that your path from the bus or carpark is carefully planned so that it facilitates good human traffic flow. It reminds me of how it is like in Disneyland.... what a strange experience. You take an escalator up to the top, enter the assigned hall and walk down the steps to a seat for the service. Then the door in front opens automatically and silently and someone pushes the coffin in using a motorised pallet truck. The service is held, then everyone comes forward to say their last goodbyes. Then the same door silently opens and they wheel the coffin back out. A side door opens and all the people are ushered to another hallway into another room with a view of the place where they cremate the body. Unlike the old Mount Vernon crematorium, there is no one that pushes the body into the furnace. Instead, the automated forklift with the coffin automatically goes along rails hidden in the floor towards one of 3 furnaces. A set of wooden doors automatically open, the coffin goes in, the forklift lifts the coffin up, the furnace door opens, the forklift pushes the coffin in, and then the wooden doors close obscuring your view of what happens next. That's how you say good bye to your family or friend.
It all felt so cold and efficient.
The only thing different about this place from Disneyland is that it is not handicapped friendly. Considering that many people who die of old age have friends and family of that age, there is no provision of ramps for wheelchairs. There sure are lots of steps.

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