Friday, September 15, 2006

Busy Busy

Been very busy this past 2 weeks.
We are preparing for the concert of the church's singing team Cornerstone Singers at the end of September. They will be performing at an outside venue. My roles in this concert? Too many.
1. Building sets - I'm helping to build the flats for the sets. Consists of 4 folding flats of 8 feet x 12 feet and 3 x 4 feet x 10 feet flats. Learning a lot building and painting them. Not as easy as it looks. Unfortunately, the muslin fabric is not as tight as we would like it to be. Hopefully it will tighten as we paint it. Still quite a bit of work to do.
2. Shoot testimony video and take headshot pictures - shot testimony videos last night and last Thursday that will be shown outside before the concert starts. Need to start editing the videos now.
3. Playing drums for part of the concert - been rusty. Haven't played for about 9 months. Need to rehearse more. Had a rehearsal on Tuesday night, will have another 2 next week. Went down to Guitar Centre 2 days ago to get 3 pairs of new drum sticks, a practice pad and a drum key. Have to tune the drums too.
4. Training and mentoring the worship band - Have agreed to help the college group to improve their playing and leading. Also asked to do the high school / middle school and adult bands. That will have to be done later - too busy.
Also need to prepare a training for the song leaders.

Li Soon and I are looking into childcare for Nathan. This will give Li Soon some time for herself. Currently, she has the difficult job taking care of Nathan 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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